Let’s Strain The Drain Project
We are pleased to be partnering with the ReefClean program and the Healthy Rivers to Reef partnership by housing a drain buddy in our north marina car park drain. The Let’s Strain The Drain project has seen 15+ ‘drain buddies’ installed around Airlie Beach and Proserpine to collect litter and provide data on what types of litter is entering the storm water system across the region.
The data collected will assist in guiding source reduction projects and of course monitoring them to see if they are reducing those items.
The drain buddies are also themselves a source reduction project, as they are capturing litter from entering the storm water system.
Keep an eye out for the free volunteer litter auditing events throughout the year via the Coral Sea Academy Sustainability Page.
This project is one of several that the team here at Coral Sea Marina are working on in conjunction with the ReefClean program and industry partners Tangaroa Blue. Other projects include Ditch The Flick (aimed at reducing the volume of cigarette butt litter entering our waterways) and the Rig Recycle project (designed to encourage private and recreational fisherman to dispose of their fishing tackle and rigs sustainably).
For more information on all our environmental initiatives, click here.